Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Awesome Cat Tattoos (15 picture)

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1 Ship Ahoy!

We’ve all seen plenty of traditional sailor tattoos with the words “be mine” inked underneath, but when you combine this with a cute kitten wearing a sailor outfit, you’ve got yourself one super special tattoo! We can imagine this available cat tattoo design is very popular among the feline-lovers of the world, and we love the bright colors, bold black outlines, and the retro feel of it.

If this kitten is asking us to ‘be his’, then we certainly don’t have a problem with that - Just how could anyone say no to such a sweet thing, especially with those big blue eyes?! It's interesting to see how far the traditional sailor tattoo has come. Once a simple anchor with text scrawled around it, the tattoo design now includes everything from kittens to flowers.  

 2 Kitty Gang?

This is possibly one of the cutest, quirkiest (and saddest?) cat tattoos we’ve ever seen! Cats aren’t usually known to be part of a gang, and we can only imagine the ‘kitty gang’ is full of fluffy kitties chasing balls of yarn. But if this kitty tattoo is anything to go by, then perhaps the ‘kitty gang’ isn’t nearly as tame as we think.

Just look at that sinister black eye, and who knows just what that dainty heart eye-patch is covering! It's about time the felines stood up for their rights. This kitty gang certainly won't be taking any nonsense from the canine world now...

3 Cats Want Fun Too!

You might remember Cyndi Lauper’s famous hit released in 1983, “Girls Just Want To Have Fun”, but we bet you didn’t realize their was a lesser known cat version. This person must have thought cats' wishes to “just have fun” was a cause worth fighting for, and thought they would get a huge tattoo across their upper back just to get the message out there.

We love the crazy triangular design of this tattoo, and think the cat’s head is adorable! The tattoo artist responsible for this tattoo should be very proud of themselves; not only did they manage to create a one-of-a-kind tattoo design, but the 3-dimensional effect achieved through the layering of the text is especially to be applauded.

4 Moppet, Mittens and Tom Kitten!

It’s everybody’s favorite Beatrix Potter characters in cat tattoo - Tabitha Twitchit and her three naughty kittens, Moppet, Mittens and Tom Kitten! Beatrix Potter was an English author and illustrator who is best known for her much-loved children's books such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit. This very cool tattoo depicts a scene from The Tale of Tom Kitten, when the mother cat is washing her children and about to dress them in their finest clothes before some guests arrive – Too cute!

Moppet, Mittens and Tom Kitten are notoriously mischievous, and are a symbol of playfulness and childlike curiosity. Obviously a huge Beatrix Potter fan, we wonder if this person has any other tattoos on their body inspired by the childhood classic. We love the soft colors of this tattoo and its famous (and extremely adorable) subjects.

5 Grumpy Cat Forever

Oh no, it’s grumpy cat, and it looks like she is back with a vengeance! We’re not so sure that this tattoo carries a very positive life message (hate everything..?) but the idea behind it certainly is understandable. While internet-famous grumpy cat already seems grumpy enough, mix her with an ‘emo’ cat, and you’ve got yourself this instant classic.

When Grumpy Cat’s owner’s brother posted a photo of the cat pulling a grumpy expression on reddit back in 2012, we bet he didn’t expect the cat to end up tattooed on someone’s leg. We also bet he didn’t expect Grumpy Cat to star in her own documentary, appear on Good Morning America, be “interviewed” for Forbes or get a book publishing deal…It's Grumpy Cat's world, we're just living in it.

6 Cheshire Grin

No, you’re not seeing things – It’s the Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland! The Cheshire Cat is most famous for his ability to be able to appear and disappear at will, and the character constantly amuses Alice with his endless philosophical questions. There’s something about those razor-sharp looking teeth, those icy blue eyes and that maniacal stare though in this tattoo that has us more than a little freaked out…There’s no denying that the tattoo artist responsible for this childhood classic inspired design is certainly talented, and just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither would this tattoo have been finished in a day!

7 Saint Kittykins

There are those people who love their cat, then there are some people who worship their cats as saints and gods…That’s right, this kitty-tattooed person definitely belongs to the latter category! We’re not sure if they’ve read the bible or not, but someone ought to remind them there were certainly no cats in it! Jokes aside, we love this tattoo, and think it’s nice for a change to see someone giving cats the recognition they deserve – dogs might be loyal and protective, but it’s our feline friends who act more like Mother Teresa (providing that you feed them on time of course…) The amount of detail involved in getting this tattoo just right must have been challenging, but this talented tattoo artist seems to have pulled it off with ease.

8 What A Gentleman!

That’s one dapper-looking cat tattoo, but then again what cat isn't dapper? Still, It’s not often that you see a cat with a top hat, a monocle, and a velvet suit. We absolutely love the delicate detailing of this tattoo, from the colors of the cat’s eye to the satin-look of the red ribbon and bow.

It’s tattoos like this one that really set the cat tattoo genre apart from the rest – This tattoo artist must have really meant business! Now, if only every cat could behave as well as this gentleman.

9 Who's Pusheen?

This might just look like a tattoo of a fat cat eating noodles, but did you know that this cat is a popular meme character, commonly referred to as Pusheen? Pusheen is a fully-fledged celebrity it seems, as the character developed from a web comic called ‘Everyday Cute’ and she now has her own Facebook page, Tumblr and Twitter (all of which contain thousands of followers!) Pusheen also has a tonne of merchandise available featuring the much-loved character, and Pusheen was even "interviewed" for the famous Tumblr Storyboard - Crazy, huh? This person must have been a little more than obsessed with the fat and grey tabby cat to get it tattooed permanently to them!

10 Cat Crammed!

If we had to give this crazy tattoo a name, we would probably go with “kitty orgy”. Never before have we seen a sleeve tattoo crammed full of cats – literally, they’re in every nook and cranny. Fat cats, skinny cats, pirate cats and guitar-playing cats…you name it, they’re in here! We love the cartoon nature of this comical tattoo, as well as the use of limited color.

This tattoo must have taken an extremely long time to complete, and even now we can’t even be sure it’s the finished product. One thing is for sure though, and that is the fact that when it comes to kitty-obsessed tattoos, this one takes the cake!

11 Tea Time

Well, we may be wrong, but it looks like a cat reading a book about rodents, surrounded by…rodents. It seems like this classy cat enjoys reading under the light of a fancy lamp with a cup of fancy tea. What we find most striking about this tattoo are the vibrant colors and the way it really sets the scene – this kitty means business!

We wonder how long it took the tattoo artist to complete this work of art though, because it certainly doesn’t look like a one-day job! It isn't often that you see a tattoo that seems to tell a story like this one, so whoever is behind this tattoo idea should really be congratulated!

12 Seeing Double

Isn’t this one of the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen? This little kitten has confused its owner’s tattoo of a cat as the real thing, and we can’t decide which is cuter! Black cats might mean bad luck to those who are superstitious, but the person who’s proudly parading this awesome tattoo certainly must not think so.

We love the matching surprised looks on each of the kitty’s faces, and those big eyes. Lets just hope that kitty doesn't get too scratch-happy with that tattoo, otherwise the result might not be so pretty!

13 Sweet Heart!

This person must either be really fond of cats, or wants a permanent portrait of her own ginger tabby on her thigh – it doesn’t really matter what the reason is to us though, because that is one super tattoo! A little bit ‘cat lady’ mixed with ‘kitsch’ is never a bad thing in anyone’s eyes.

The tattoo artist responsible should be proud – it’s not every day that you see a cute cat tattoo as unique and colourful as this one. We’re especially loving the realistic detailing of that ginger fur!

14 Lucky Cat

This tattoo consists of a Chinese Lucky Cat and a moth with a skull for a head –Very interesting combination indeed! We love the bright colors and the quirky detailing of this design. When the Chinese Lucky Cat is raiding its left paw, it is believed to bring wealth and prosperity, as opposed to when it is raising its right paw, which is a symbol of protection and security according to Feng Shui. So this tattoo not only looks great, but has numerous good luck properties associated with it too– Now that’s one awesome (and clever) tattoo!

15 Four Eyes?

We don’t mean to point out the obvious, but this cat has four eyes…and it’s creeping us out! While most cat tattoos are portraits of the person’s own pet cat, let’s hope this isn’t the case for this tattoo! Otherwise the authorities should probably be alerted – there’s a mutant cat walking around out there! We love the amount of detail that has gone into this tattoo though, as achieving the realistic look of fur is definitely not easy! This crazy cat tattoo is something that would require people to look at it twice…or four times…

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